T-Series and Chalk N Cheese Films’ upcoming drama SRI is all set to release on 15 September this year. Starring Rajkummar Rao, Alaya F, Jyotika and Sharad Kelkar, the film is the biopic of the visually impaired industrialist Srikanth Bolla. The film marks south actress Jyotika’s return to Bollywood after a long hiatus. Sharing more about the Tushar Hiranandani directorial venture, an official statement from the makers said, “Written by Jagdeep Sidhu and Sumit Purohit, pictured by Pratham Mehta, SRI is a biopic of an industrialist Srikanth Bolla, who didn’t let his visual impairment come in the way of his vision and founded Bollant Industries.” Speaking about his excitement to back SRI, Bhushan Kumar, head honcho of T-Series, had earlier said, “Srikanth Bolla’s story testifies the very proverb of acing against the odds. Having faced so many challenges since birth, yet not letting anything hamper his dreams - his journey is truly inspirational. And it's indeed a privilege to be associated with a person like him. The personality of this character is such that only an actor of a calibre like Rajkummar Rao can justify it and we are happy to have such a fine actor on board. Tushar Hiranandani’s vision to showcase this captivating story is very peculiar. As we are thrilled to make this film, we are equally excited for the audiences to witness this compelling story of Srikanth!” Rajkummar was last seen in Vasan Bala’s Monica, O My Darling, which also starred Huma Qureshi, Radhika Apte and Sikandar Kher. He then played a cameo in the Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon starrer Bhediya. He reprised his character Vicky from Stree in the horror comedy. Also Read: 10 Years of Kai Po Che EXCLUSIVE: Amrita Puri gets nostalgic recalling the Sushant Singh Rajput, Rajkummar Rao, Amit Sadh starrer
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