In June 2022, Bollywood Hungama was the first one to break the news that Hera Pheri 3 was indeed in works. In fact, Firoz Nadiadwala interview with us had confirmed that the star cast from the first two parts viz. Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal – would be featured in the third part. Now, reports have it that the makers of the film have already begun shooting for the venture, with a special promo that features all the three actors. The truth about producer Firoz Nadiadwala’s proposed project, the third part of the Hera Pheri series: Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal have finally agreed to come together for the beleaguered project, which has been on the anvil for the past six years. The lie: that the project’s shooting already started on February 21. A source in the know spills the beans. “How is that possible? How can three busy stars suddenly start shooting for a new project? How can they shoot for Hera Pheri when they don’t even have a script yet? They have no script and no leading ladies. It is true that Akshay has agreed to come on board. But the three actors have only shot a promotional video on Tuesday which will be out next week.” As for the actual shooting, “There are no immediate plans to shoot the actual film as yet. The promo was shot in haste to generate resources and interest in the project. Right now, there is nothing beyond that.” As for the film, Hera Pheri 3 that has been titled Hera Pheri 4, comes as the third film in the franchise with the film that was released in 2000 directed by Priyadarshan, and its sequel, Phir Hera Pheri release in 2006, directed by Neeraj Vora. Also Read: Hera Pheri 3 begins in Mumbai with OG trio Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal
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