Pankaj Tripathi is currently among those few actors who have multiple projects lined up; from web series to films. Recently, the critically-acclaimed actor visited the National School of Drama (NSD) and interacted with the students at a session of Bharat Rang Mahotsav. He spoke to her on a variety of topics including his experience in the industry, what struggling actors face while trying to make a mark in the industry and much more. Besides this, he is also making headlines for another reason as he wants to take legal action against the makers of Azamgarh. For the unversed, Azamgarh is the debut feature film of National Award winner Kamlesh Mishra. In the film, Pankaj Tripathi plays a titular character of a Maulavi, who leads the youth to the path of terrorism. Reportedly, Pankaj saw the hoardings of the film ahead of its OTT release, and it apparently upset the actor. According to a report by Amar Ujala, Tripathi was told that this is a short film and he shot for it only for three days. While the makers are using his name to promote the film as if he has a lead role in it, Pankaj does not want such ‘cheap popularity.’ The report also added that the actor worked on this film without taking any remuneration. It is said that Tripathi doesn't want the makers to promote Azamgarh by using his name and if they do not agree, he will take legal action against them. The actor feels that he has a small role in the film, and the way he is featured in the poster is wrong. However, it is worth mentioning that Tripathi has not issued any official statement on the matter, as of now. Coming to the professional front, Tripathi was last seen in the third instalment of his popular web series Criminal Justice. He has a bunch of projects in his kitty including Metro In Dino, Fukrey 3, and OMG 2, among others. Also Read: Pankaj Tripathi talks on traps and illusion of fame; says, “Cinema bahut jaldi dimag kharab karta hai”
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