The Siddharth Anand directorial Pathaan was released on January 25 with a thunderous response from the audience. Starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham the Yash Raj Films venture which started with a bang saw its business grow exponentially with each passing day. Released across 8,000 screens worldwide Pathaan has been enjoying an unopposed run at the global box office, raking in the moolah. In fact, the film has managed to draw in a massive Rs. 963 cr gross at the worldwide box office. Now, as it completes yet another week at the box office, we hear something special is coming this Friday. As per reports, to celebrate Pathaan becoming one of the highest Hindi grossers of all-time, theatre chains across India, viz. PVR, Inox, Cinepolis, Miraj, Movietime, MuktaA2 & others will feature a special ticket rate. In fact, the participating cinemas will celebrate this ‘Pathaan Day’ with tickets priced at Rs. 110 across all properties of these chains. While this nominal ticket rate is sure to entice the audience, it remains to be seen whether the film will reap the benefits of this. As for Pathaan, the Shah Rukh Khan starrer has been on a historic run at the box office. Pathaan has now recorded $44.27 million in the overseas territories alone, while nett collection in India stands at Rs. 498.85 crores (Hindi Rs. 481.35 crores, Dubbed Rs. 17.50 crore)! The total worldwide gross is an incredible Rs. 963 crore (India gross Rs. 600 crores, overseas Rs. 363 crores). Also Read: Pathaan: Shah Rukh Khan felt shy to flaunt his eight-pack abs in ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’; says he is ‘very happy now when youngsters, my kids see me on screen and say damn cool body papa’
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