Earlier this week, yet another film of Akshay Kumar hit the theatres. Selfiee, co-starring Emraan Hashmi, is an action comedy that is a remake of the Malayalam film Driving License. While the trailer and the remake of the song, ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari’ from the film was quite well-received, the film failed to make a mark among the audiences. In a recent interview, the actor, who insisted on giving up his Canadian citizenship for Indian citizenship, also opened up about his recent failures at the box office. The superstar also requested everyone to not blame the audience, further taking up the blame on himself about his films not working. In his interview with Aaj Tak, Akshay Kumar opened up about the performance of his recent theatrical releases, and said, "It is a great alarm, aapki film nahi chal rahi to galti aapki hai (If your films are not working, it is your fault). When your films flop in a row, it is an alarm for you that it is time for you to change. Mai koshish kar raha hun, wahi kar sakta hoon (I am trying to change, that is all I can do).” He continued, “Do not blame the audience or anyone else. It is my fault, 100%. Aapki film na chalna is not because of audience. It is because of what you selected. Maybe you have not given the right ingredients in the film.” Furthermore, the actor also opened up about experiencing a much worse fate in terms of films in the past, wherein he had given 16 consecutive flops. "This is not happening with me for the first time. There was a time when I had eight films in a row that did not work. Now, I have had three-four films in a row that did not work. The thing is that it happens due to your own fault, film ka na chalna (a film not working). The audience has changed, you need to change, you need to dismantle yourself,” he maintained. Before Selfiee, Akshay Kumar featured in films like Bachchan Paandey, Samrat Prithviraj, Raksha Bandhan, and Ram Setu which were theatrical releases in 2022. The actor also played the role of a cop in Cuttputlli which was an OTT release. Also Read: Akshay Kumar makes Kapil Sharma’s mother reveal all the secrets about the comedian’s childhood; watch
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