Producer Ekta Kapoor had recently announced a Pavitra Rishta Fund set up in Sushant Singh Rajput's name for the cause of mental health awareness. However, the producer has now distanced herself from the fund after the late actor's brother-in-law Vishal Kirti said that neither he nor his wife Shweta Singh Kirti endorse any commercialisation in Sushant's name.
In his tweet, Vishal wrote, “@shwetasinghkirt and I don’t endorse any commercialization in Sushant’s name. If people are doing anything using Sushant’s name, it should not be motivated by profit.The family has not endorsed any for-profit activity using Sushant’s name. For any non-profit activity in Sushant’s name, please get a written clearance from Sushant’s father to prevent getting sued later. No to using Sushant as a poster boy for mental health awareness. If the family feels that they have been libeled by any organization or individual, they will pursue legal recourse.”
@shwetasinghkirt and I don’t endorse any commercialization in Sushant’s name. If people are doing anything using Sushant’s name, it should not be motivated by profit.The family has not endorsed any for-profit activity using Sushant’s name. For any non-profit activity in Sushant’s
— vishal kirti (@vikirti) August 18, 2020
On Wednesday, after the Supreme Court ordered the transfer of the case to CBI, Ekta Kapoor took to her Instagram handle and wrote that she has dissociated herself from the fund. “While I support the cause of mental health, I disassociate myself from the ‘Pavitra Rishta fund’ till investigations are carried out and we have a clear picture on Sushant’s unfortunate death. I withdraw myself from this fun individually as of now, as it seems there’s more to this tragic incident. Like the rest of the country, I would like the truth to come out," she stated.
She captioned the post, “Even though this is not a fund started by me, but started by Zee and is a needed one at that, I am always with Zee for any other mental awareness fund that they want to do, but on this one I would like to respectfully dissociate myself. #SSR Hope the truth prevails.”
ALSO READ: Hina Khan says she is extremely grateful to Ekta Kapoor for the opportunity to launch Naagin 5
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