Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been using his vast reach on social media to raise awareness on the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. However, with the situation being so stressful, everyone needs a breather. Sharing a picture from his archive, he rightly wrote how he though of refreshing old memories while sitting at home.
“Baatein pratidin in kathin paristhitiyon ki hoti hain, nirantar Socha kuch purani yaadein taaza kar dein baithe baithe apne ghar. Ab nostalgia of past years .. a charity cricket match at Eden Gardens - Mumbai Film Industry vs Bengal Film Industry. How many names can you name," Bachchan's tweet read. The black and white photo has actors Jeetendra, Johnny Walker, Dilip Kumar, Prem Chopra, Anil Dhawan and Bengali stars Anil Chatterjee and Rabi Ghosh standing together. The actor certainly has a priceless stock of throwback photos, we tell you. Every now and then, you'd see him digging out some gem from the past.
T 3497 -
बातें प्रतिदिन इन कठिन परिस्थितियों की होती हैं , निरंतर
सोचा कुछ पुरानी यादें ताज़ा कर दें , बैठे बैठे अपने घर ! ~ अब
nostalgia of past years .. a charity cricket match at Eden Gardens - Mumbai Film Industry vs Bengal Film IndustryHow many names can you name ?
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 10, 2020
Reportedly, he has also started providing meals to the needy in Mumbai, who are hit hard by the ongoing lockdown.
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