Angrezi Medium starring Irrfan Khan released on March 13. Despite facing hurdles and complete theatre shutdown due to Coronavirus scare, it did receive a positive response from the industry! Radhika Madan, who plays Irrfan's daughter in the film, received a handwritten note and a bouquet from megastar Amitabh Bachchan. This gesture has left the actress "speechless" and "overwhelmed."
In his note to Radhika Madan, Amitabh Bachchan wrote: "I write to you with the greatest of admiration for your work in Angrezi Medium. I saw the film yesterday and just could not resist writing to you. What a mature and balanced performance you have given. Prosperity and success to you."
Sharing the pictures of the handwritten letter on Instagram, an overwhelmed Radhika Madan wrote, "I don't know what to say or write...I'm speechless and so overwhelmed! Amitabh sir, it's an honour to receive this. I always used to imagine my door bell ringing after my film's release and a person standing outside saying, 'Amitabh Bachchan sir ne aapke liye phool aur ek note bheja hai' and me fainting right after that. Thankfully, I didn't faint when I actually received it. I just stood there for a few seconds soaking it all in, teary-eyed, in gratitude."
Radhika Madan stars as Irrfan Khan's character's daughter in Angrezi Medium. The film also stars Deepak Dobriyal, Pankaji Tripathi, Dimple Kapadia, and Kareena Kapoor and is directed by Homi Adajania.
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