Back in March 2022, Sonam Sonam Kapoor announced she is expecting her first child with her husband, Anand Ahuja. The couple took to their social media accounts to make an official announcement along with photos. This past weekend, the couple officially announced that they welcomed a baby boy. Ahead of the birth of her first child, the actress was seen on the cover of Vogue India and did a pregnancy shoot. She spoke about finding out about pregnancy during COVID-19 and how they informed their parents.
She said, "I found out I was pregnant on Christmas Day. Anand was in the other room of our London apartment since he had Covid and I basically Zoomed him and gave him the news. Then we called our parents and told them as well. We had all decided that I would be extra careful since a lot of people in London were getting Covid around that time, but exactly a month later, I came down with a fever, cough, and cold. I was terrified and immediately started googling “What happens if you have Covid when you’re pregnant?” It was tough. I was taking progesterone shots in my thighs and stomach—practically everywhere on my body—because I was of advanced maternal age and was constantly throwing up, sick, and bedridden. Everyone’s so tense about women who get pregnant after 31 or 32. They tell you don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t get gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. I was like, “Wait, hang on, I still feel very young. I’ve got my dad’s genes, I look very young. It’ll be fine.”
The couple had a baby boy recently. The statement from Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja read, "On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and open hearts. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, friends and family who have supported us on this journey. It's only the beginning but we know our lives are forever changed."
Meanwhile, Sonam Kapoor will next star in the film, Blind.
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