While his last film was a magnum opus starring Tamil superstar Dhanush, now the director of Captain Miller is all set to enter the Bollywood arena. The filmmaker will be making his Hindi debut and the details of his first project have already been locked, reveals a source close to Matheswaran. It is being said that the filmmaker will join hands with Roaring River Productions and Bollywood producer Nazir Ahmed for his highly-ambitious projects but an official announcement of the same is yet to be made.
The source confirmed the details and added, “Everything has been finalized but the makers are waiting for the right time to introduce Arun Matheswaran and announce the film. However, the casting and other details will follow later. As of now, Arun is quite excited about his first Hindi film and is glad about working Sarita Ashwin Varde of Roaring River Productions and Mr. Nasir Ahmed”.
For the unversed, Arun Matheswaran marked his directorial debut in 2021 with the film Rocky, a neo noir action drama starring Vasanth Ravi and later, he also directed the popular Keerthy Suresh film Saani Kaayidham in 2022. Meanwhile, Sarita Ashwin Varde has produced popular web-shows like Broken But Beautiful and Never KISS Your Best Friend under her banner Roaring River Productions. While the film is still in the initial stages, the casting and other details are strictly kept under wraps.
Arun Matheswaran, who has previously earned rave reviews for telling powerful stories with equally strong characters, is expected to explore a new genre with Bollywood. Fans of the filmmaker are excited to see what he has in store for his big Hindi debut, which is also expected to feature an interesting plotline. The film is expected to go on floors this year, once the rest of the details are locked.
Also Read: Dhanush starrer Captain Miller to arrive on Amazon Prime Video on February 9
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