Following in the footsteps of Indian cinematic luminaries Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Alia Bhatt, director Nikhil Nagesh Bhat has officially signed with the prestigious Hollywood talent agency William Morris Endeavour (WME). Known as one of Hollywood's premier talent management companies, WME represents an elite roster of global talent. Nikhil now joins the esteemed ranks of Indian talents managed by WME, including industry giants Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, and Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s KILL was premiered at this year's Toronto International Film Festival. Produced by Karan Johar and Apoorva Mehta for Dharma Productions and Guneet Monga Kapoor and Achin Jain for Sikhya Entertainment, the action-packed thriller features a cast of Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala.
This milestone for Nikhil comes on the heels of the announcement of Lionsgate acquiring the North American distribution rights for KILL.
Speaking of the development, Nikhil said, “I am truly honored to join the esteemed roster at William Morris Endeavour, standing alongside incredible talents. The journey of KILL has been a remarkable one, and the global recognition it has received is a testament to the collaborative effort of an outstanding cast and crew and visionary producers. Partnering with WME opens new doors for me on the international stage, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in bringing diverse stories to a global audience.”
Also Read: Raghav Juyal is ecstatic with the widespread praises for his villainous debut in KILL; says, “What Karan Johar said has really given me the motivation and validation that my experiment and venture into the role of a menacing villain has paid off”
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