Vikrant Massey starrer 12th Fail, helmed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, is receiving a lot of love from the audience. The movie's performance in the second week has only become better with the film raking better-than-expected box office numbers. With it finding success at the box office, Vidhu Vinod Chopra (71) has now become only the second popular Indian filmmaker to deliver a hit post 70. The other popular Indian filmmaker to achieve such a feat was legendary Yash Chopra who delivered a box office hit Veer Zaara at 72 and later Jab Tak Hai Jaan at 80, both featuring baadshah Shah Rukh Khan.
The extraordinary word of mouth for the film continues to attract the masses. During the time in 2023, when many mid-sized films failed to make it big, Vidhu Vinod Chopra seems to have found success in the same genre of mid-size films with his directorial. At the age of 71, the filmmaker has indeed proved that age is just a number and that a good content will always find its right place.
12th Fail, based on a true story, draws from the struggles of the millions of students who attempt the UPSC entrance exam. But at the same time, it goes beyond that one exam and encourages people to not lose heart in the face of failure and to restart. The film, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, released in cinemas in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Vidhu Vinod Chopra talks about 12th Fail’s success: “What sense does it make to put a Vikrant Massey film in the cinema halls? Hence, there must be a celebration”; also says “I’ll direct the sequel to 3 Idiots”
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