Earlier today, Bollywood Hungama broke the news that Yash Raj Films (YRF) will unveil its next big singing superstar - Bhajan Kumar - in a glitzy event in Mumbai on August 30. No further information was shared about this singer, leaving journalists and netizens wondering who this sensation is. Bollywood Hungama has now learned that Bhajan Kumar has a connection with YRF’s upcoming film, The Great Indian Family.
A source told Bollywood Hungama, “Bhajan Kumar is the name of Vicky Kaushal’s character in The Great Indian Family. He will be the attraction at the grand musical event, which will be held in the city on Wednesday, August 30. The promotions of The Great Indian Family will kickstart with this musical function.”
In our earlier article on Bhajan Kumar, the source claimed, “As the name suggests, Bhajan Kumar’s proficiency is in devotional music and YRF will showcase his singing talent at a live event designed to present him in front of the media. Bhajan Kumar is expected to captivate audiences with his brilliant singing skills and YRF will now have the bragging rights to present a singing sensation like never before, in him!”
An industry insider commented, “It’s an interesting marketing strategy by YRF. It’ll be interesting to see what Vicky Kaushal has to deliver at this musical function as Bhajan Kumar. This will be a unique event, which will surely grab eyeballs.”
Yesterday, Bollywood Hungama also reported that the trailer of The Great Indian Family will also be out next week, and it’s expected to be shown in cinemas with Shah Rukh Khan’s much-awaited film Jawan.
Besides Vicky Kaushal, The Great Indian Family also stars Manushi Chhillar, Manoj Pahwa, Kumud Mishra and Sadiya Siddiqui. While YRF’s Aditya Chopra has produced the family comedy, its songs are composed by Pritam. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, it releases in theatres on September 22.
Also Read: Vicky Kaushal shares glimpses of his day with Indian Army and locals at Uri Base Camp
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