Over a week ago, Bollywood actor Salman Khan's security was beefed up by the Mumbai Police after one of his associates, Jordy Patel, received a threat via an email. His close friend Prashant Gunjalkar filed a complaint regarding the same and a case was registered at the Bandra Police Station in Mumbai against gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar and a person named Rohit Garg under IPC sections 506(2),120(b) & 34. Now, Mumbai Police has arrested a man named Dhakad Ram Bishnoi in Jodhpur in connection with the email threatening case. As per reports, Dhakad Ram Bishnoi (21) is a resident of Siyagon ki Dhani in Rohicha Kalan village in Jodhpur. He was reportedly out on bail under the Arms Act. Gaurav Yadav, Jodhpur’s DCP (West), said that a team from Mumbai’s Bandra Police had arrived to arrest him. “They asked us to assist them in detaining Bishnoi. We provided them with the support and handed Bishnoi over to the Mumbai PoliceYadav said, as reported by PTI on Sunday. "After a detailed technical investigation into the case, police got information about the accused person's whereabouts, following which a team was sent to Rajasthan and the man was apprehended," a police official said. According to a previous report in PTI, a police official said that “two Assistant Police Inspector (API)-rank officers and eight to ten constables will be part of Khan's security detail round the clock.” The official also added that fans won’t be allowed to assemble outside Salman’s Galaxy Apartments residence in Bandra. It was earlier reported that Y-plus security has been provided to Salman Khan by the police. He will also travel in bullet-proof car with his personal security detail. Additional security measures have also been given to the actor. As per reports, a person named Rohit Garg allegedly issued the threat and mentioned Goldy Brar, Canadian gangster's name, saying the latter wants to meet the actor in person. Recently, Lawrence Bishnoi also allegedly said that killing Salman is his life's goal. In a recent report shared by ABP News, Bishnoi was quoted saying, “There is anger in our society for Salman Khan. He humiliated my society. A case was filed against him but he did not apologize. If he does not tender an apology, be ready to face the consequences. I will not depend on anyone else.” He went on to add that he has been harboring the feeling of hatred ever since childhood. Bishnoi continued, “Will break his ego sooner or later. He should come to our deity’s temple and apologize. If our society forgives, then I will not say anything.” ALSO READ: Salman Khan brings Pooja Hegde in place of Kareena Kapoor Khan in Pavan Putra
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