Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who has been busy with the promotions of her upcoming Prime Video series Citadel, has ardently supported filmmaker SS Rajamouli for his movie RRR. The film had all the buzz around the Oscars and eventually, the film’s song ‘Naatu Naatu’ won Best Original Song at the 95th Academy Awards. She even attended a special screening in LA and hosted Ram Charan and his family her home. So when the actress made a blunder about the film’s language and called it a Tamil movie on Dax Shepard’s podcast, netizens were left surprised. On the Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard podcast, the host compared Bollywood to be like Hollywood in the 50s with big studios and few stars, Priyanka agreed by saying, “I don’t think you are far from it. I think that was what it was… big studios, five actors… big movies will be made by them; but the game is changed so much now. First of all, it’s streaming. It has given access to so many people who are making content.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dax Shepard (@daxshepard) When Dax interrupted her by saying RRR is a Bollywood movie, she corrected him only to call the Telugu-language movie, a Tamil movie. “Bollywood has evolved in such an incredible way. You have the mainstream big action and the love story and the dancing…” she said. When Dax interrupted, “RRR…”, Priyanka added, “That’s a Tamil movie by the way. It’s like big, mega, blockbuster Tamil which does all of those… it’s like our Avengers.” Interestingly, Priyanka Chopra worked with Ram Charan in the 2013 movie Zanjeer. Her first movie was in Tamil, titled Tamizhan, starring Vijay in the lead role. Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra Jonas will be seen in Russo Brothers’ series Citadel which is set for Prime Video with Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci. The series will premiere on April 28. She also has a movie Love Again releasing in theatres on May 12, with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. She also has Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa alongside Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif. ALSO READ: Amaal Mallik speaks about “campism, bootlicking and powerplay” in Bollywood after Priyanka Chopra opens up on being cornered; calls latter “amazing woman”
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