While a section of moviegoers is celebrating the return of Shah Rukh Khan on the big screen in the lead with Pathaan, some fringe groups across the country are still protesting against the film. For the unversed, ever since the makers dropped the song ‘Besharam Rang’ starring Deepika Padukone in a saffron-colour bikini, some ‘religious’ organisations, including Bajrang Dal, started the boycott call for the film. After all the protests, the film was released on the day it was slated to be, which was yesterday. However, Bajrang Dal continued to condemn the release of Pathaan even today. And, they did not stop there. In Faridabad, a bunch of their members disrupted a mall, in whose multiplex Pathaan was been screened. Reportedly, nine Bajrang Dal activists were detained in Faridabad for tearing posters of Pathaan and disrupting the film's screening at Crown Interiorz Mall. As per a report by ANI, on Wednesday, the manager of INOX in the mall registered a case that some miscreants have torn the posters of the Pathaan movie in the mall. Later, a local police team reached the spot immediately. It is said that the team has detained nine members of Bajrang Dal. A case has been registered against the accused under relevant sections including trespassing and an investigation is underway. Meanwhile, other accused are being identified through CCTV footage and the culprits will be sent behind bars for their hooliganism in Faridabad, stated the report. Speaking of the Siddharth Anand directorial, it has witnessed a record-breaking start at the box office. Besides SRK, the film also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham whereas Ashutosh Rana and Dimple Kapadia are playing other significant characters. Going by the film’s day 1 report, it is expected to break numerous box office records. Also Read: Pathaan celeb review: Rajkummar Rao, Malaika Arora, Raveena Tandon and others heap praises on Shah Rukh Khan starrer
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