Jr NTR was the chief guest at a promotional event of Brahmastra held in Hyderabad at a five-star hotel. The event was held previously at Ramoji Film City, but it got cancelled. At the very beginning of his speech he said, "I'd like to apologize to my fans. Due to police protection reasons, the event couldn't happen. I'd also like to apologize to the media for the (change in plans)."
He then spoke highly of Brahmastra's lead actor, Ranbir Kapoor, "I have liked many actors of the Indian film industry. But very few of them have left a mark on me. I really enjoy Amitabh Bachchan sir's intensity in every film, be it his eyes, his voice, the way he stood etc. And after Amit ji, the actor I connect to is Ranbir. Every film of his has inspired me as an actor. My most favourite film of his is Rockstar (2011). The intensity in his performance left a huge mark on me. He inspires me as an actor. Its nice to share the stage with him, that too, in my hometown Hyderabad. It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of Brahmastra's promotions. I'd like to thank Rajamouli Garu for this opportunity." For the unversed, S S Rajamouli is the presenter of Brahmastra in South India.
Jr NTR continued, "Ranbir, your journey as an actor doesn't stop with Brahmastra. You need to go to search for the Brahmastra of acting. I pray to God that you achieve all you want as an actor."
Jr NTR then spoke about his RRR co-star, Alia, "Here, we have one of the finest actors of our generation, Alia. She is a very close friend and a darling. So many people were sitting here, and I am emotionally connected the most to Rajamouli sir followed by Nagarjuna and then Alia. The conversations we have had during RRR proved that she is a gem of a person. I am sure Brahmastra is going to be another feather in her cap."
Jr NTR added, "Karan Johar and Rajamouli have united the Indian film industry! Let us hope that Karan sir achieves yet another milestone with this movie." He also remembered director Ayan Mukerji, who wasn't present at the event, "From Wake Up Sid to Brahmastra, what a journey! I wish him all the best!"
Finally, he spoke about the tough time faced by producers now, "Audiences want something more than what we are delivering now. I personally believe that we perform better when we are under pressure. So, I think the industry should accept this challenge and should make better films for the audience. I hope everybody understands it. I am not putting anybody down here. Let's accept the challenge, move ahead and make great films for our viewers. I truly hope that Brahmastra emerges as the Brahmastra of our Indian film industry!"
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