20 years ago, Priyanka Chopra was crowned as the Miss World, and never looked back. A global star who makes her presence felt in Bollywood and down the West with equal ease, Priyanka recently signed a multimillion-dollar deal with Amazon. Now is a good time to look back at people who thought she would remain a mere nobody.
Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha took to Twitter to recall an article about Priyanka that wasn't very hopeful about her future in the industry. "I am so reminded of a Bombay Time front page article that wrote her off saying how NO ONE would touch her from a barge pole. Yeah... No one can....," he wrote. Priyanka responded with her usual spirit. "Thappad nahi.. kaam se maaro.. lol. Thank you @anubhavsinha for the support..," her tweet read.
Thappad nahi.. kaam se maaro.. ???????? lol. Thank you @anubhavsinha for the support.. https://t.co/IkfzZcKCko
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) July 1, 2020
Priyanka earlier took to Instagram to announce the major deal with Amazon. "As both an actor and producer, I have always dreamt of an open canvas of creative talent coming together from all over the world to create great content irrespective of language and geography. This has always been the DNA of my production house Purple Pebble Pictures, and is the foundation of this exciting new endeavor with Amazon," part of her post read.
The actor was last seen in Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink, and now awaits the release of her first Netflix original The White Tiger.
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